Sunday, July 8, 2018

June 18, 2018 - This time for Africa

Hey well the week was fun. We had our last interviews with President Andersen and the very last zone conference of the Spain, Málaga Mission. As you can imagine it was pretty emotional. All the sister missionaries were bawling haha.

My last interview was cool. When I walked in Pres asked if I was excited to be part of the Madrid mission. I was like “yeah I mean I was fine with going to either mission. Then he’s like “well you’ll be staying in the Madrid mission but It’s going to be a little bit different than we had originally planned, I’ll tell you after the prayer. I’ll tell you right now, I cant remember a single thing that was said during that prayer haha. My mind was just rushing. Anyways the prayer ended and he told me the plan. I will be going to Algeciras for my last transfer. They just opened a church down there and president wants two seasoned missionaries there to get the little branch animated and help it grow with the excitement right now. So I will be with Elder Dunford, he’s from my trainee’s group so I met him about a year ago. Anyways the area is super cool. Its at the very southern tip of Spain. Right across the bay is Africa. My area also includes the rock of Gibraltar which is a little territory of the U.K. Basically just a little english city which is cool. I’ve heard there are monkeys there so that’s cool. Also to get out to the rock they close the airport runway and you walk/drive across it. That will be way cool! Hopefully all the airplanes don’t make me too trunky haha. 

Other than all that the week has been pretty good. We taught our investigator Victor all of the commandments. It was cool because when we asked him if he would live them every single time he had a huge smile on his face and said “Yes, of course.” Pretty cool to see true conversion in people. He had a date for this Saturday but he needs another interview so we had to move it up a week. Unfortunately I won’t be here but I plan on skyping in to see it :) 

Cool example that randomly came to my mind when Victor asked about the Gift of the Holy Ghost this week. Loss of the presence of the spirit is like pain to the body. When we have pain in the body it is a signal that something is injured or wrong. The spirit works in the same way. When we have it present we feel comfort and peace. In its absence we can feel anxiety or hopelessness. In both situations if we don’t look for a cure the problem can rapidly become much worse. That is why it’s important we work toward reattaining that spirit as soon as we feel the loss of its presence.  

Hey well love you guys. Hope all is well :) 

Shout out to Brent Childers for being the best dad ever! Love you and happy Father’s Day! 

Pues adios!

- Élder Alex M. Childers 

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