Wednesday, July 11, 2018

July 9, 2018 - Discurso (In Spanish)

Hermanos y hermanas 
Estoy agradecido por la oportunidad que tengo hoy para compartir un poco de mi conocimiento y sentamientos en cuanto al evangelio con ustedes. 

En el Libro de Mormón leemos sobre un hombre llamado Ammón que fue enviado de la tierra de Zarahemla a la tierra de Lehi-Nefi para averiguar acerca de sus hermanos. Allí encontró al rey Limhi y a su pueblo, que estaban bajo el cautiverio de los lamanitas. El rey Limhi se animó por las cosas que Ammón le compartió sobre su pueblo en Zarahemla; el corazón se le llenó con una esperanza y un gozo tan grande que reunió a su pueblo en el templo y dijo:

“Por tanto, levantad vuestras cabezas y regocijaos, y poned vuestra confianza en Dios…
“Mas si os tornáis al Señor con íntegro propósito de corazón… y le servís con toda la diligencia del alma… él, de acuerdo con su propia voluntad y deseo, os librará del cautiverio”.

Las palabras de Ammón tuvieron un efecto tan profundo en la fe del pueblo del rey Limhi, que hicieron un convenio con Dios de servirle y de guardar Sus mandamientos a pesar de sus difíciles circunstancias. Gracias a su fe, pudieron crear un plan para escapar de las manos de los lamanitas.

Por un momento hermanos volvemos a la invitación del rey.... “Levantad vuestras cabezas y regocijaos, y poned vuestra confianza en Dios…

poned vuestra confianza en Dios 
Eso es mi enfoque hoy, poniendo nuestro confianza en el y mostrándolo con nuestras acciones.

Como podemos hacer eso hermanos? Poner nuestra confianza en El? 

Pues podemos aprender eso del señor mismo—

“Si me amáis, guardad mis mandamientos…

“El que tiene mis mandamientos y los guarda, ese es el que me ama; y el que me ama, será amado por mi Padre, y yo le amaré y me manifestaré a él”.

Es algo básico no? Amarlo y mostrar ese amor guardando sus mandamientos. Mandamientos que realmente están allí para nuestro beneficio. 

En fin, el mejor manera para obtener y mostrar esa confianza es venir a el y seguirle. 
En el libro de Omni capítulo 1, versículo 26 encontramos  una fórmula simple para venir a Cristo: 

 “Y ahora bien, mis amados hermanos, quisiera que vinieseis a Cristo, el cual es el Santo de Israel, y participaseis de su salvación y del poder de su redención. Sí, venid a él y ofrecedle vuestras almas enteras como ofrenda, y continuad ayunando y orando, y perseverad hasta el fin; y así como vive el Señor, seréis salvos." 

podríamos hablar acerca de este versículo todo el día, pero yo solo quiero tocar en cada principio rápidamente. 

1. en primer lugar, hay que reconocer que Jesucristo es el Santo de Israel. En otras palabras, debemos tener Fe en Cristo. debemos creer que existe y que él tiene el poder para salvarnos. debemos creer que él sabe el camino para volver a Dios.

 2. en segundo lugar, debemos participar en su salvación y el poder de su redención. Simplemente tenemos que arrepentirnos . con el fin de llegar a él tenemos que ir en su dirección, no llegaremos a Cristo andando el camino del mundo. 

3. en tercer lugar, debemos ofrecer toda nuestra alma como ofrenda. debemos amar a Dios con todo nuestro corazón y desear servirle a él. Tenemos que darle todo lo que tenemos: incluso nuestros talentos, tiempo, y amor. 

4. En el cuarto lugar, debemos continuar ayunando, orando y leyendo las escrituras. Me encanta algo que el presidente de la estaca de Elche compartió una vez en una reunion. El explicó que nosotros, no somos “de” la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los últimos días Santos. Sino que, SOMOS LOS SANTOS de la Iglesia de Jesucristo en los últimos días. Y que hemos de actuar conforme a eso cada día de nuestras vidas.

Una vez que ya hemos empezado a acercarnos a Cristo. El, cumpliendo su promesa, vendrá a nosotros.” 

“Allegaos a mí, y yo me allegaré a vosotros; buscadme diligentemente, y me hallaréis”

Cuando llegamos a este punto y tenemos Cristo en nuestro lado podemos hacer grandes cosas. 

Nefi tenia este confianza y fe en El Señor. Me encanta sus palabras: 

“Si Dios me hubiese mandado hacer todas las cosas, yo podría hacerlas. Si me mandara que dijese a esta agua: Conviértete en tierra, se volvería tierra; y si yo lo dijera, se haría.
Ahora bien, si el Señor tiene tan grande poder, y ha hecho tantos milagros entre los hijos de los hombres, ¿cómo es que no puede enseñarme a construir un barco?”

Si el Señor podría hacer todas estas cosas, como es que él no puede ayudarnos a pasar una prueba? ¿cómo es que él no puede responder a nuestras oraciones? ¿cómo es que él no puede llevar una carga de nuestra vida? ¿cómo es que él no puede ayudarnos a vencer una tentación que hemos luchado todos nuestra vida? EL PUEDE hacer esto y no solo eso, sino MUCHO MÁS. Y lo hará! Pero solo si mostramos nuestra fe y confianza haciendo las cosas que el nos ha pedido hacer.

Cuando Cristo dice, "no temáis ", él esta pidiendo que nosotros creamos en él. Está pidiendo que nosotros le amemos. Recuerden que "el amor perfecto desecha todo temor." 
Cuando el dice, "venid á mí", se nos dice "Mirad hacia mí en todo pensamiento; no dudéis; no temáis." él nos dice "No temas; cree solamente." 

El nos dice "Confía en Jehová con todo tu corazón,y no te apoyes en tu propia prudencia.". 
"Porque yo, Jehová, soy tu Dios, quien te sostiene de la mano derecha y te dice: No temas, yo te ayudaré."

Uno de los relatos de las Escrituras que siempre me ha conmovido espiritualmente es cuando Jesucristo caminó sobre el agua para reunirse con Sus discípulos que viajaban en una barca por el mar de Galilea.
El relato está registrado en Mateo:

“Y ya la barca estaba en medio del mar, azotada por las olas, porque el viento era contrario.
“Mas a la cuarta vigilia de la noche, Jesús fue a ellos andando sobre el mar.
“Y los discípulos, viéndole andar sobre el mar, se turbaron… Y dieron voces de miedo.
“Pero enseguida Jesús les habló, diciendo: ¡Tened ánimo! ¡Yo soy, no tengáis miedo!”.
Pedro oyó ese maravilloso llamado de aliento del Señor.
“Entonces le respondió Pedro y dijo: Señor, si eres tú, manda que yo vaya a ti sobre las aguas.
“Y [Jesús] dijo: Ven”.
Pedro era pescador y conocía los peligros del mar; sin embargo, estaba comprometido a seguir a Jesús, día y noche, en barco o por tierra.

Imagino que Pedro saltó del barco sin esperar una segunda invitación y empezó a caminar sobre el agua. 
De hecho, las Escrituras dicen: “… anduvo sobre las aguas para ir a Jesús”. Cuando el viento empezó a hacerse más fuerte y feroz y las olas se arremolinaban a sus pies, Pedro tuvo miedo “… y, comenzando a hundirse, dio voces, diciendo: ¡Señor, sálvame!
“Y al momento Jesús, extendiendo la mano, le sujetó”.

En ese momento el Señor estuvo allí para ayudarlo, tal como lo está para ustedes y para mí. Extendió Su mano y llevó a Pedro hacia Él y a un lugar seguro.

Hermanos y hermanas el Señor Jesucristo está allí con su brazo extendido siempre . Les invito a poner su confianza en el.

FREESTYLE (fill extra time) 


Sunday, July 8, 2018

July 2, 2018 - Algeciras

Hey guys! Well this is probably going to be my last long weekly email because I want to enjoy the last couple of p days I have left and not have to worry about writing so much. Also our church is an hour away so it's not likely that we go all the way there to write on mondays.

Anyways the week was good. Y'all aren't going to believe this but I sang a duet for a special musical number in our zone meeting haha. I still don't know how they convinced me to do that...

Transfers were also cool. I just had a 3 hour bus ride down from Sevilla. It was cool cause it passed through some old pueblos that were part of my area in Cadiz. Also passed by a really cool little town called Tarifa. It's the farthest south tip of Spain and is famous for kiteboarding. Super sick, there were hundreds or kites out there! I sat next to a lady who spoke Arabic and taught her a bit using Google translate haha 

The new area is good. I really haven't gotten to see a whole lot of it yet. What I have seen though is beautiful. We have an amazing chapel that just opened 2 weeks ago. It is small but super super nice. Like nicest church I've ever seen. All the doorframes are stainless steel and the whole building is just super modern and tech decked. It's weird though because the branch is tiny. There were only 14 people in attendance this Sunday. Four priesthood holders. Two of them make up the branch presidency. It's one or those branches were the missionaries do basically everything haha. We bless, pass and teach. Really different from my last area with a ward with over 100.

The only down side here is the piso. It was pretty wrecked from the trio that was here before. Also my shower had tons of black mold. Super gross.. I dumped bleach all over it and let it sit for the day and it's all disappeared now. Also we don't have AC which makes it really difficult to sleep. I just lay there awake sweating all night. I guess that's what I get for complaining about the heat in Sevilla hahaha.

We also found a really cool service opportunity. We went and helped out at a soup kitchen. It was way fun and cool. We became good friends with the people there and now we're going to go work there every Wednesday morning!

Another weird thing was we switched missions this week. We are now officially apart of the Madrid Mission. It's really weird because our two missions have had two completely different cultures and you could tell right away. We were added into the Madrid group message and they all started sending GIFs and all sorts of other weird pictures and stuff which is totally not acceptable for our mission. We weren't even allowed to have the phone numbers of missionaries who are outside of our zone before and they have a mission wide group message they just chat on haha.. Also it's weird because they speak in tú and vosotros instead of usted and ustedes. That's the weirdest thing to get used to.

Anyways we are currently on the bus to Sevilla to meet the new mission president. Pretty excited. His name is President Bussey, from Seattle. Sounds like a cool guy.

Well yeah that's it. Love y'all hope you're having a good week!

June 25, 2018 - Globos de Agua

Alright well this email is going to be really short sorry...
We bought 850 water balloons from costco and had a massive fight in the parking garage then it took a little longer than we thought to clean up. So here we are now with a few minutes to write. 

The week was good. We taught Victor a couple of times. He is going to be baptized this saturday. Unfortunately I will already be gone but I’m hoping to get to skype in to see. 

We also saw some really crazy stuff in our area. Its pretty cool haha basically a little city of gypsies. It was super funny because a teenage kid just walked up to me and took the pen out of my pocket. I was just standing there like what just happened? He just starts writing something on his arm then his friend is like “He’s not gonna give that back!” The kid who stole the pen looks up at his friend goes OH YEAH!?? Turns around and hands it to me haha. Still convinced he would have stolen it if the friend hadn’t taunted him out of it lol. Gotta love tres mil... 

Anyway yeah I’m doing good. Excited to head down to Algeciras in 2 days. Yayyyy haha the trio is getting kind of old. Just ready to be back to a regular companionship.. 

Anyways love ya’ll have a great week! 

- Élder Alex M. Childers 

June 18, 2018 - This time for Africa

Hey well the week was fun. We had our last interviews with President Andersen and the very last zone conference of the Spain, Málaga Mission. As you can imagine it was pretty emotional. All the sister missionaries were bawling haha.

My last interview was cool. When I walked in Pres asked if I was excited to be part of the Madrid mission. I was like “yeah I mean I was fine with going to either mission. Then he’s like “well you’ll be staying in the Madrid mission but It’s going to be a little bit different than we had originally planned, I’ll tell you after the prayer. I’ll tell you right now, I cant remember a single thing that was said during that prayer haha. My mind was just rushing. Anyways the prayer ended and he told me the plan. I will be going to Algeciras for my last transfer. They just opened a church down there and president wants two seasoned missionaries there to get the little branch animated and help it grow with the excitement right now. So I will be with Elder Dunford, he’s from my trainee’s group so I met him about a year ago. Anyways the area is super cool. Its at the very southern tip of Spain. Right across the bay is Africa. My area also includes the rock of Gibraltar which is a little territory of the U.K. Basically just a little english city which is cool. I’ve heard there are monkeys there so that’s cool. Also to get out to the rock they close the airport runway and you walk/drive across it. That will be way cool! Hopefully all the airplanes don’t make me too trunky haha. 

Other than all that the week has been pretty good. We taught our investigator Victor all of the commandments. It was cool because when we asked him if he would live them every single time he had a huge smile on his face and said “Yes, of course.” Pretty cool to see true conversion in people. He had a date for this Saturday but he needs another interview so we had to move it up a week. Unfortunately I won’t be here but I plan on skyping in to see it :) 

Cool example that randomly came to my mind when Victor asked about the Gift of the Holy Ghost this week. Loss of the presence of the spirit is like pain to the body. When we have pain in the body it is a signal that something is injured or wrong. The spirit works in the same way. When we have it present we feel comfort and peace. In its absence we can feel anxiety or hopelessness. In both situations if we don’t look for a cure the problem can rapidly become much worse. That is why it’s important we work toward reattaining that spirit as soon as we feel the loss of its presence.  

Hey well love you guys. Hope all is well :) 

Shout out to Brent Childers for being the best dad ever! Love you and happy Father’s Day! 

Pues adios!

- Élder Alex M. Childers 

June 11, 2018 - Trio

The week started out really good. After going to the cathedral last Monday Elder Whittington and I spent the rest of the week contacting in our area. We got a few futures which was really cool. On Tuesday we had a really good district meeting also. One of the focuses this transfer is learning the language better so for district meeting the natives had to only speak english and the rest of us Americans obviously spanish. We learned that the Madrid mission does all of their meetings in english... that will be a weird change. 

Tuesday night we started exchanges. I went with Elder Mckimmey first and we basically were contacting for most of the afternoon. We met some very interesting people in the sketchier part of my area. One guy we contacted acted super nice until he started tearing the pass along card we had given him in tiny pieces and threw it at us. It was fun though. Then we were able to have one lesson with a recent convert in our area. We taught him the plan of salvation. Except we used the puzzle and tried to have him teach us. It was pretty cool. On Wednesday morning Elder Rigby and I went out together. We taught a less active guy who used to be on the high council. We read Ether 12 with him and learned lots from one another. When we were walking back we got a call from Elder Whittington. He just said that he had big news but that he’d tell us when we got back. President had called to tell him he was getting emergency transferred. Elder Coleman who was my comp in Benidorm messed up his ankle really bad playing soccer. He was in a small pueblo called San Lúcar. They are the only two missionaries there so instead of being able to put his companion with another set of elders they had to take Elder Whittington from here to replace him. Now I am in a trio with the other two elders here in Sevilla. It was super sad cause Elder Whittington and I were having such a good time working together.. We literally only had a couple of hours for him to pack up and say some goodbyes because his train left early the next morning. 

Now I’m here in Sevilla still with Elder Rigby and McKimmey until transfers in a few weeks. President told me on transfers since the mission will change they will close their area, McKimmey will leave and Elder Rigby and I will be together for my last transfer.  Until then its a really complicated situation because we have to try to cover both of our areas. Which happen to be on opposite sides of the city. It takes a little over an hour to get from my area to theirs on bus. So for example we had a lesson scheduled on Saturday in their area at 4. We left at 2:45 got to the park where we were going to meet at 4. The person never showed up. Then we had to bus an hour back. So we basically lost two and a half hours of our day. These next few weeks are going to be complicated.. 

Anyways I’m alive and well. Its a little weird having two companions. Difficult to keep the piso organized. Elder Whittington and I had the place super organized and clean then basically within 2 days it got wrecked. Kind of driving me crazy haha but I’m just using my time at night to try to keep up on all the little messes made.. Must be one of the last little tests of my mission haha. It’ll prepare me to have messy kids I guess haha. 

Well love you guys. Sorry I didn’t get a letter out last week. Hope everyone is doing well :)

- Élder Alex M. Childers 

May 28, 2018 - Dogs and Los Americanos

Well its been a pretty basic week.. nothing too exciting happened. 
We contacted a whole lot. Found 4 future investors.. hopefully some of them will turn out. The people here are more closed off which is surprising cause its a big city. 
Anyways we have two investigators to work with right now so that’s pretty good. Unfortunately neither of them were able to come yesterday. 

The area I’m in here is pretty interesting too. It’s two more wealthy areas that surround this place that’s literally a slum. Whenever we go to the other side we have to go all the way around because we aren’t allowed to get near it. Its a pretty crazy place haha

This week we were visiting some members and I had an rough experience haha. So they have this dog that was abandoned. They found it in the street about 2 years ago. So it is still super nervous and scared around people. I was trying to get it to trust me the whole time and I finally got it to calm down and was holding him on my lap. I had him there for like 10 minutes but when we were about to share our message I went to set him down. I started lifting him up when suddenly he freaked out and peed all over me! It was nasty haha instantly it smelled super bad. Yeah so anyways that was awkward just sitting there teaching covered in dog urine. Sorry it was kind of one of those you had to be there moments but I thought y’all might enjoy knowing about it.  :)

Oh yeah yesterday when we got home at the end of the day a bunch of little kids who live in our compound came chasing after us up the stairs. Yelling ¡LOS AMERICANOS! They wanted to come inside our piso but we told them they couldn’t. I remembered I had some tootsie rolls in my bag so I ran up and grabbed some for them. Anyways it was funny because we talked in our doorway for a while to a bunch of 8-10 year olds sitting in a semicircle crisscross applesauce style haha. We ended up teaching them the plan of salvation and gave them all pamphlets. Super funny time.

Well sorry this is kinda a lame letter haha not much to write about this week... 

Love y’all!

- Élder Alex M. Childers 

May 21, 2018 Short Week Update

Another good week here in Spain. It was sad leaving Benidorm and saying bye to everyone. Seems like my time there went by so fast. I was there for 3 months, the same amount of time I have left in the mission which is scary! Anyways the branch was pretty sad to see us go. Elder Coleman and I had become really good friends with some of the members there. They are pretty bummed to only have one set of missionaries now but it is just one of the many changes that have to happen with the mission closing this upcoming month. 

So far all has been going pretty well here in Sevilla too. Elder Whittington is great we are working hard and getting along well. We have already had some really great lessons and found two great new investigators. I’m excited to see what this transfer brings. 

Today we played some volleyball in the church and ate in the food court at Costco 😋 soooo goood hahaha. My comp accidentally left his iPad there so we had to go all the way back. Luckily we found it but kind of ate up all our time going all the way back out there..

Well love you all sorry this is short, busy day!

- Élder Alex M. Childers 

May 14, 2018 Voy Para Sevilla

Hey y’all 

Well this week was pretty average just running around trying to visit and find lots of people. We also had a barbecue with Carole so she could get to know the other missionaries. That was pretty fun. We made some really delicious American style burgers.

Had the opportunity to do a little bit of service also. We helped the Whalley’s a little bit in their garden and the next day John came up with Toni and we dedicated the graves of Toni’s parents and a few other family members. It was pretty cool.

Some other highlights of this week... We got lost in the middle of nowhere and drove through a tiny tunnel. We also had another spanish style barbecue at Thomas’s house. He’s the first counselor in the branch presidency. It was cool cause he invited a bunch of his neighbors over and we got to teach them. 

Yesterday we got transfer calls. I am going to Sevilla. It should be a pretty cool area besides the fact that it will be blazing hot over there for summer. My new companions name is Elder Whittington. I’ve never met the kid but from what I have heard he sounds like a pretty cool guy. 

Also got to talk to the fam yesterday! So good to see ya’ll and hear your voices. Can’t believe I will be done in 3 short months. Time sure does fly by! 
Once again Happy Mother’s Day, you are the best Mom. I love you!!!

Well yeah thats about it. Sorry I don’t have much ganas to write today haha. 
Love you guys ❤ 

- Élder Alex M. Childers 

May 7, 2018 Demasiado Fuerte?

Elder Coleman and I decided to write this machacante talk haha what do you think.. too fuerte? Lol

Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas. Siento como Jacob, que "me apena tener que ser tan audaz en mis palabras" porque "supongo que han subido hasta aquí para oír la agradable palabra de Dios; sí, la palabra que sana el alma herida." "Por tanto, agobia mi alma el que sea constreñido, por el estricto mandamiento que recibí de Dios, a amonestaros según vuestros delitos." "He aquí, si fueseis santos, os hablaría de cosas santas; pero como no sois santos, y me consideráis como maestro, es menester que os enseñe las consecuencias del pecado."

El Presidente Spencer W. Kimball dijo: "El mandamiento dice, 'No tomarás el nombre de Jehová tu Dios en vano.' No utilicemos el nombre del Senor excepto en oraciones o en discursos apropiados." Hermanos y hermanas apliquemos lo que un profeta del Senor ha dicho: No tomemos el nombre de Dios en vano. Tomamos el nombre de Dios en vano cuando utilizamos frases como: "O Dios", "Dios mio", "Ay Dios", "Jesus mio", "O Senor" ...

Hermanos y hermanas, lo que digo es doctrina de la iglesia de Jesucristo de los santos de los ultimos dias. Es escritura. Es la voluntad del Senor, la intencion del Senor, y la palabra del Senor. (DyC 68:4) ¿Como pueden discutirlo? Presidente Oaks dijo que tomamos el nombre de Dios en vano cuando "los nombres de Dios el Padre y del Hijo Jesucristo se utilizan como marcas de puntuación en el habla cotidiana."

Quiero que todos en este salon entiendan la gravedad de este pecado, ¡un pecado que no debe ser un problema aquí! Es algo tan fácil no utilizar el nombre de Dios ni de su Hijo en nuestro lenguaje diaria. Dije que iba a enseñarles las consecuencias del pecado. Aquí están: cuando tomamos el nombre de Dios en vano, somos culpables del pecado de blasfemia, que es (lo que dice guía para el estudio de las escrituras) "Hablar en forma irrespetuosa o irreverente de Dios o de lo que es sagrado." En la época de Moises, había un hombre que dijo blasfemias por tomando el nombre de Dios en vano:

"y el hijo de la mujer israelita blasfemó el Nombre, y maldijo; entonces le llevaron a Moisés...Y lo pusieron en la cárcel...Y Jehová habló a Moisés, diciendo: Saca al blasfemo fuera del campamento, y todos los que le oyeron pongan sus manos sobre la cabeza de él, y apedréelo toda la congregación. Y a los hijos de Israel hablarás, diciendo: Cualquiera que maldiga a su Dios llevará su pecado. Y el que blasfeme el nombre de Jehová ha de ser muerto; toda la congregación lo apedreará; tanto el extranjero como el natural, si blasfema el Nombre, que muera." 

Aunque la consecuencia de este pecado ha cambiado, la gravedad del pecado no ha cambiado. Cuando utilizamos el nombre de Dios en el habla cotidiana, morimos espiritualmente. Este pecado es sumamente grave por los poseedores del sacerdocio. Presidente Hinkley dijo a los poseedores del sacerdocio aaronico: "Chicos, sabrán que, si servirán en el nombre de Jesucristo, como poseedor del sacerdocio, no puede tomar el nombre del Señor en vano." En otro sitio dijo lo siguiente: "Tampoco deben, como poseedores del sacerdocio, tomar el nombre del Señor en vano...Ese mandamiento, grabado por el dedo del Señor, es tan obligatorio para nosotros como lo fue para quienes lo recibieron originalmente. En una revelación moderna, el Señor ha dicho: “Recordad que lo que viene de arriba es sagrado, y debe expresarse con cuidado y por constreñimiento del Espíritu” (D. y C. 63:64.)."

A los padres, Presidente McKay dijo "Ningún padre (hombre ni mujer) puede enseñar fe en Cristo quien profana el nombre de Dios." Como miembros de la iglesia, recibimos la bendición de la ministracion de ángeles. Presidente Hinkley dijo: "Ustedes no pueden tomar el nombre de Dios en vano ni usar un lenguaje obsceno y aún así tener derecho a la ministración de ángeles." "El profanar el nombre de Dios es una grave ofensa para el Espíritu, y el hacerlo sólo satisface los propósitos de Satanás de burlarse de nuestro Dios."

Jose Smith recibió este revelacion en la sección 63 de doctrina y convenios: "He aquí, soy el Alfa y la Omega, sí, Jesucristo. Por tanto, cuídense todos los hombres de cómo toman mi nombre en sus labios; porque he aquí, de cierto os digo, que hay muchos que están bajo esta condenación, que toman el nombre del Señor y lo usan en vano. Arrepiéntanse, pues, de sus pecados los de la iglesia; y yo, el Señor, los reconoceré; de lo contrario, serán desarraigados. Recordad que lo que viene de arriba es sagrado, y debe expresarse con cuidado y por constreñimiento del Espíritu."

Alma dijo lo siguiente: "Porque nuestras palabras nos condenarán, sí, ... y no nos hallaremos sin mancha, y nuestros pensamientos también nos condenarán. Y en esta terrible condición no nos atreveremos a mirar a nuestro Dios, sino que nos daríamos por felices si pudiéramos mandar a las piedras y montañas que cayesen sobre nosotros, para que nos escondiesen de su presencia. Mas esto no puede ser; tendremos que ir y presentarnos ante él en su gloria, y en su poder, y en su fuerza, majestad y dominio, y reconocer, para nuestra eterna vergüenza, que todos sus juicios son rectos."

Hermanos y hermanas, les hablo osadamente porque la sutileza no parece funcionar. Hablo osadamente porque Satanás es un ser real empeñado en destruirlos, y el pecado es la manera con cual trabaja. 

"Sí, os digo, venid y no temáis, y desechad todo pecado, pecado que fácilmente os envuelve, que os liga hasta la destrucción; sí, venid y adelantaos, y manifestad a vuestro Dios que estáis dispuestos a arrepentiros de vuestros pecados"

Hermanos y hermanas, seamos mejores. Podemos hacerlo. Sé que lo haremos. El poder curativo de la expiación puede quitar nuestros pecados! Pero tenemos que abandonarlos! El Salvador dijo:

"Si tu ojo derecho te es ocasión de caer, sácalo y échalo de ti... Y si tu mano derecha te es ocasión de caer, córtala y échala de ti; porque mejor te es que se pierda uno de tus miembros, y no que todo tu cuerpo sea echado al infierno"

Si tu lengua te es ocasión de caer, muerdela y échala de ti.

En el nombre de Jesucristo, amen.

- Élder Alex M. Childers 

April 29, 2018 Running With the Bulls

Hey guys its been a good week. 
First off it was pretty cool cause we randomly happened upon the english guys I translated for last sunday. Turns out the son just got back from serving as a missionary  3 weeks ago and both of his parents are non-members. Without asking his parents if it was okay he invited us over for dinner haha. So the next day we went to their vacation home and they made us a feast! It was super good haha we even ate grilling cheese! We taught them a quick little lesson about Christs power to help and heal. They ended up liking us a lot and the next day invited us to go out to dinner again. When we showed up to the city center in Benissa where they wanted to meet there was a whole bunch of barricades and cages set up. Turns out there was a running of the bulls going on! Everyone just running down the road getting chased by bulls then at the end they close them off into an arena where they just try to tick them off haha. It was super sick! 

Also some really good news. This week Carole called us up and said she missed us. She invited us over to have a little barbecue in the park by her house. We made some steak it was delicious! While we were there we talked quite a bit. She has decided to move back to England to be there for her grandson who will be born this fall. She also decided that she wants to return to the church there. She read all sorts of stuff on the internet and came to the conclusion that she still knew it was true. She wants that in her life and wants her grandson to have it too! 

Thats basically the main stuff that happened this week. We were pretty busy with the move trying to get all the paperwork figured out, packing and cleaning to close the piso. We finally finished moving in on Saturday so now we are down here in Benidorm. It should be an interesting next few weeks haha this piso is not made for 4. 

Well love you all, have another great week!

- Élder Alex M. Childers 

April 22, 2018 - Vall de Laguar

It has been a pretty good week. I can’t believe it’s just been a week because of all that we have done. It still amazes me sometimes how much we accomplish in so little time as missionaries. 

 This week Elder Child stayed with us  for two days because Elder Cazier was down doing residency. We visited a less active named Luis who lives nearby. We also went to Denia and visited another less active Toni. He is finally starting to really progress. He had been reading the Book of Mormon a ton and has followed our council to cancel his credit card, television and extra phone lines in order to pay off the debt he is in! Really exciting to see the amazing change in his life since we began teaching him.

 Our investigator Edwin who had the baptismal date for this upcoming Saturday unfortunately has been convinced by his son that he doesn’t need it. His sons argument was that they are both already baptized in the Catholic Church. When we tried to explain the importance of the correct authority he came back with the argument that the Catholics have the authority from Peter. He started to get pretty defensive so we decided to stop before the conversation escalated into an argument. Bore our testimonies and left him with a restoration pamphlet to read. 

This is our last week living in Benissa. Actually we have to move out this Saturday so that will be fun.. It’s going to be interesting trying to live with the other elders because their piso is less than half the size of ours and really far away from most the cities where we normally work.. 

In my personal study right now I am reading Alma and I noticed something kind of interesting. Starting in chapter 46- Moroni “caused the title of liberty to be hoisted up upon every tower which was in all the land that was possessed by the Nephites.” Results: Much order, peace and rejoicing in the church. A people with firm faith in Jesus Christ.

Just two chapters later we see the opposite. Amalickiah who had already used treachery, murder and intrigue to become king of the Lamanites. Plots to win over the hearts of the people and use them to take over the Nephites. 2. “For he sought also to reign over all the land, yeah and all the people that were in the land, the Nephites and the Lamanites.” He “appoints men to speak unto the Lamanites from their towers, against the Nephites.” 2. “And thus he did inspire their hearts against the Nephites” 3. “Therefore he had accomplished his design, for he had hardened the hearts of the Lamanites and blinded their minds, and stirred the up to anger.” 

The question I asked myself was- what kind of towers do we have in our day? 
Social Media, Television, Advertising, Internet, Books, etc. What kind of messages are these means of communication spreading? How are these messages affecting our lives, views, or even morals? These are a few of the important questions that we should all ask ourselves. Instead of listening to Amalakiah’s messengers who persist in trying to blind our minds we must hoist up our own titles of liberty and choose to be in the world but not of it. 

Well thats my two cents for the day haha 

Today we did a cool hike called La Vall de Laguar. It was this big loop around a bunch of mountains. 15 kilómetros and 6,000 staircase steps! I’m exhausted haha soooo out of shape.. there were some really awesome views though! You’ll have to wait till later for the pics cause I accidentally left my camera back in our piso.. 

Anyways love you guys! Have a good week :) 

- Élder Alex M. Childers