Hello everyone!
Well not a whole lot happened this week but ill fill you in on some of the details.
So on Tuesday we had english classes again, my favorite part of the week always, anyways so 2 new women probably in their 20's came this week. They have been taking english classes once a week for 3 years at an academy so they knew how to speak pretty well they just wanted to learn pronunciation since their teacher here is Spanish so she can't teach them properly. Anyway, so we split up into two classes Elder Maldonado taught all the beginner english learners and I just practiced talking with the two women. It was awesome about 10 minutes into the conversation they started asking all kinds of questions about the church and missions. They were amazed by all the sacrifices we make to come on missions and they asked why I wanted to serve a mission. I was able to bear my testimony in english to them. The spirit was super strong and afterward one of them said "I want to believe in something that strongly". It was soo amazing today since we are in Cartagena for P-day I am getting some english pamphlets to go along with the spanish ones we have back at the piso so they can practice english and learn about the church at the same time! We'll see how it goes!!
Wednesday was a holiday here in Spain so we had a party at the church and everyone brought food. I made brownies for it and everyone was freaking out over them and asking for the recipe. It was so funny, we have since made 6 more batches lol anyways it was hilarious because at the party they were dancing and playing the most inappropriate english music ever like rap songs that had tons of swear words and the bishop and all the ward members are just dancing because they have no idea what the words mean. haha It was hilarious I was the only one there who had any idea 😂
Okay what more, on Thursday we had a zone meeting. The meeting itself was great but we had to wake up two and a half hours earlier than usual to catch the bus to get to it so that kind of killed my energy for the rest of the week.
Church here is so different than back home, for example yesterday during sacrament meeting the bishop goes up to the stand and asks everyone to sing feliz cumpleaños (happy birthday) for the stake president. So in the middle of sacrament meeting we all stand up and sing while he videos us with his phone hahahaha it was so weird but funny. Everyone there didn't think anything of it. 😂
Well nothing much more is happening here we have mostly been working really hard to help our recent convert Antonio stop smoking again, he is really struggling and keeps trying to come up with different excuses why he should be exempt from the word of wisdom haha
Anyways so if y'all could pray for him that would be awesome!!
Love you all sooooooooo much!!!!
Elder Childers 😘
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